野間化学工業株式会社は、元禄年間(1690年代)の京都に於いて屋号「松屋」として創業されました。日本各地で染草や薬種の商いを始め、大正中期(1920年)頃には、ヨーロッパ諸国で発明されたレーキ顔料やその他工業薬品の輸入販売を行うようになりました。昭和8年(1933年)に野間商店を設立し、現在では有機赤色顔料の代表と言われているCarmine 6BやCarmine 4Bを日本国内で初めて製造いたしました。
“Matsuya” was founded in Kyoto, Japan during the Genroku era (1690s). It had sold plants for coloring, and medicinal products all over Japan. And then, It started importing and selling lake pigments and other industrial chemicals from European countries around mid Taisho (1920s). After that, “Noma Shoten” was established in Showa 8 (1933s), And it started manufacturing the Carmine 6B, Carmine 4B, first in Japan.
Nowadays various organic pigments are produced and developed all over the world. While competition has intensified in the market, we at Noma Chemical Industry provide the most appropriate products for each client’s needs with our unique processing technology which was developed through many years of experience.
Ever since our establishment, our priority has been to maintain a safe and sound future from generation to generation “through colours” by efficient use of limited natural resources. With our challenging spirit and sensitivities toward what this fast-changing age demands.
In 2022 we introduced KES (environmental management system). KES is our educational program that Noma Chemical Industry and its staff strive to protect environment in our production methods.